Famous Places to visit

Daman and Diu, a union territory in west India, consists of 2 separate areas divided by the Arabian Sea. The Daman Ganga River flows through the coastal town of Daman. Diu is a small island and mainland village. The Fort of Moti Daman, Diu Fort and 16th-century churches reflect the territory’s past as a Portuguese colony. In the town of Moti Daman.

Fort of St. Jerome

History of Fort of St. Jerome,Daman: Daman was taken from its Gujarati ruler by the Portuguese in 1531 but was only officially handed over to the Portuguese in 1559 by Bahadur Shah, the Sultan of Gujarat. Diu became a Portuguese colony in 1539 after the signing of a peace treaty by the Sultan of Gujarat, Bahadur Shah. The territories remained Portuguese colonies till they were freed in 1961. A visit to the historical place of St.Jerome Fort in Daman will give you a clear insight about the history of the place.
Description of Fort of St.Jerome, Daman: As you enter the complex of Daman Fort of St.Jerome you shall first notice the opulent gateway facing the river with a large statue of St. Jerome who was one of the most renowned priests of the Catholic Church. St. Jerome, who was born Eusebius Hieronymous Sophronius, was the most scholarly of the Fathers of the Western Church. He was born about the year 342 at Stridonius, a small town at the head of the Adriatic. The principal building inside the fort is the impressive Church of Our Lady of the Sea. This Catholic Church is one of the earliest seats of office and has an excellent altar with superb paneling. The ramparts are a good place from which to take a clear view of the fish market and small fishing fleet which anchors alongside. To the north is a Jain Temple whose inside walls are covered with glassed-over 18th century murals that portray the life of Mahavira, the founder of Jainism. Mahavira was born in 599 B.C. He lived for 72 years. He discarded family life in 569 B.C. He attained omniscience in 557 B.C. and entered into Nirvana in 527 B.C. He was the last Tirthankara. Mahavira lived a life of complete truthfulness, a life of perfect honesty and a life of absolute chastity.

Air india

The nearest airports to Daman are Mumbai (170 km) and Surat (90 km). Flights are easily available for Mumbai from all the major airports of the country. Surat is connected by flight from Delhi. The nearest international airport is in Mumbai.

BY Railways

Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs. The passage is attributed to an unknown typesetter in the 15th century who is thought to have scrambled parts of Cicero's De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum for use in a type specimen book.

By Roadways

Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs. The passage is attributed to an unknown typesetter in the 15th century who is thought to have scrambled parts of Cicero's De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum for use in a type specimen book.

Last Update on Date. 29-01-2020
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